Make an Appointment: (732) 659-0496 |   [email protected]

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    One of my passions is teaching. I pride myself on providing information in an accessible, interesting, and engaging way. I am available to provide trainings for your school, community group, or mental health agency.

    I currently train on the following topics:

    Child Sexual Abuse: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Sexual Assault Along the Life Span

    Parenting Skills: Effective Discipline

    Human Trafficking

    Resiliency and Trauma

    Vicarious Trauma

    Contact me to discuss rates and possible training topics.

    Clinical Supervision

    Supervision is an important aspect of any therapist’s career. I am currently available to provide clinical supervision to any social worker looking to get their supervision hours for their clinical licensure. I am also available to provide supervision to clinicians looking to gain more expertise on trauma and child sexual abuse.

    Rate: $100/hour